Welcome to Ogo!

Ogo is a merge of charades and guessing games.
Inspired by the games I played growing up, it is designed to be simple and fun for all ages.

Let's play!

How to Play:

The game needs a minimum 4 players, who should be in 2 teams. You will also need drawing materials (paper, pen/ pencil/ crayons/ etc.).
At each round one team will be performing the tasks and the other will make sure that the time is respected and no cheating occurs.
The team performing the tasks will choose a player to do the task, on the first round for each team, and then move clock-wise on the next rounds. The player performing will press/click the Go! button and then start the task.
Draw task: The player drawing is not allowed to: say anything while drawing, write down words, and make gestures other than point to the parts of the drawing.
Act task: The player acting is not allowed to: say anything while acting.
Guess task: The player who has the turn, is only allowed to answer either yes or no to the questions being asked by his team.
After the team gets the answer right, the timer can be stopped and the green button select. But if the time runs out before the team gets the right answer, the red button should be selected.